Foods for below the belt – what should be on and off your plate

Published on - 23 Aug 2022

Eating a balanced diet is the key to maintaining good health. So do you need to eat something different to maintain good vaginal health? Not really. But you need to take some things off your plate as they can mess up the pH balance down there. Let’s see what needs to be on and off your plate.

On your plate

  • Concentrated cranberry juice
    Full of antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin C, cranberries are great infection fighters, prevent bacteria from sticking to your bladder wall, and also boost immunity. They can be beneficial to prevent recurrent and recent urinary tract infections [UTIs]. Eating cranberries are great too.
  • Sweet potato
    Rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, sweet potatoes help protect and strengthen uterine walls. They are highly recommended for women who face PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome].
  • Probiotics
    Yohurt is a rich probiotic that is good for your gut, balances the pH level down there, and aids in warding off infections. Yohurt contains calcium which can ease your PMS symptoms.
  • High fibre foods
    Prebiotics such as fruits, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, vegetables, and whole grains are required for intestinal bacteria, as they help keep your body healthy and balanced too.
  • Water
    Keeping yourself well-hydrated aids in boosting energy and circulation. Drinking water is a great way to prevent UTIs too. Not drinking water can make your genital area dry or itchy, possibly inviting infections.
  • Soy
    It contains plant-derived phytoestrogen which is beneficial for women with lowered estrogen levels. Soy can help with vaginal dryness as well as benefit skin and blood vessel health in postmenopausal women. Tofu is a great soy product.
  • Garlic
    Is known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties and thus can help you deal with vaginal infections.

Off your plate

  • Sugar
    Sugar is the opposite of a probiotic. Too much sugar paves the way for yeast to accumulate in the vaginal area, lowering the pH level and leading to a yeast infection. Yeast loves sugar!! You may crave those mouth-watering chocolates and desserts but eating anything in moderation is good for your health.
  • Alcohol
    Excess alcohol can dehydrate you, and like your mouth going dry, it can also make you go dry down there. It can also affect your sexual intercourse as the vagina will take time to self-lubricate.
  • Processed foods
    Processed foods reduce the strength of your immune system. It’s like opening the door for bacteria to take over for developing vaginal dryness, yeast infections, and UTIs.
  • Meat with preservatives
    Animals are fed with growth hormones like xenoestrogen which are artificially created compounds. So when you consume the meat of such animals, it disturbs the endocrine function and the path of estrogen to the vagina, leaving it infection-prone.
  • High-fat oily food
    While fast food like burgers and fries tickle your taste buds, it is also unbalancing your vaginal bacteria and making you prone to the risk of bacterial vaginosis [BV].

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