Diagnosed with PCOS? Here is what you need to know

Published on - 06 Sep 2022

Trisha accidentally crossed paths with Vrinda, a classmate. She was eager to reunite with her long-lost school friend. Trisha was a housewife, while Vrinda was a practising gynaecologist. The two decided to reconnect over lunch and reminisce about their former school days.

Trisha – So Vrinda, it’s great to know that you are a gynaecologist and must be quite busy.

Vrinda - Yes, I am. But I always make time to meet my old school pals. Tell me, what’s happening with you?

Trisha – I got married a few years ago. Abhishek and I have a son and a daughter. My life revolves around them and my home. But off late, I have been making time to pursue my passion – charcoal painting.

Vrinda – Wow!!! I would love to have one of your paintings for my clinic.

Trisha – Sure, I would be happy to give you two. One for your home too. I am so happy that I met you. Vrinda, can I ask you something important since you are a dear friend and a gynaecologist?

Vrinda - Of course. Go ahead.

Trisha - Vrinda, we are in our mid-30s now. Our bodies change as we age. I have been having irregular periods for a few months now. I used to be anxious about silly things. Sometimes I used to get depressed. Abhishek and I were both a little worried. He was the one who suggested I pursue charcoal painting. It was a great relief for me. I did consult my gynaecologist regarding the symptoms and irregular periods. She says it could be PCOS. What should I do? You can be honest with me, you know.

Vrinda - Trisha, first of all, calm down. Let’s take this one by one. Each woman is blessed with two ovaries that release eggs alternately every month. Your ovaries produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone, along with minute quantities of the male hormone called androgen. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) occurs when the ovaries produce androgen, the male hormone, in a higher amount than required, causing a hormonal imbalance. It also happens to be the most common reason for ovulatory infertility.

Trisha – Why do the ovaries produce androgens in excess?

Vrinda – It’s because of the increased insulin level in your body. Are you aware that insulin controls the way our bodies process sugar? Insulin resistance means your body doesn’t process insulin in the right manner, leading to higher sugar levels in your blood.

Trisha - Oh my goodness! I wasn’t aware of this.

Vrinda – Irregular period is one common symptom of PCOS. Heavy bleeding is natural because the uttering lining builds for a long time.

Trisha - Yes, I have experienced this.

Vrinda – You can have your monthly menstrual cycle and still have PCOS. If your gynaecologist has prescribed you medication, ensure that you take it on time. Many women fall back on their medication after some time for various reasons. You cannot neglect PCOS! You also have to be patient with the PCOS treatment. Nothing happens overnight. It’s said that “you are what you eat”. If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, your diet is the first thing that needs to be consciously streamlined. Exercising every day is essential to help you remain in good shape. It also helps in improving your insulin level in PCOS. In a nutshell, a combination of proper diet and lifestyle, exercise, medication, and supplements should work for you, for the better.

Trisha – Thanks, Vrinda! I feel a lot more confident now. I will do the needful very consciously. Come over home soon. Let me show you some of my work in charcoal. You can pick whichever you like.

Vrinda – Sure! And don’t worry. PCOS is manageable by doing the right things.

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