5 ways to detox post-Diwali

Published on - 02 Nov 2022

The Fabulous Five [viz Vaani, Sucheta, Alisha, Ramya and Namita] met post-Diwali. They recalled their festive shopping, and the fervour in the air with sweets making, gift exchange and celebrations.

Their friendly banter continued excitedly.

Vaani – phew! Just when we realise Diwali has wrapped up before you know it, we have weddings to attend and then Christmas and the New Year are around the corner!! So many festivities and sugar rush are all we get.

Sucheta – I love sweets! This is the only time of the year when I give into my sweet tooth craving.

Ramya - While we all love to indulge in sweets and rich food, we also need to be careful about what it does to our digestive system. I am doing a post-Diwali detox.

Namita – Detox? Wow!! What exactly are you doing? Please don’t tell me you are following a only coconut water diet for three or four days!

Ramya – [smiling] No. Not at all. My neighbour is a Doctor and she told me about this. It’s nothing to be afraid of and it’s not at all difficult. It’s just 5 simple steps to follow.

Alisha – Elaborate, please!

Ramya – Well, here goes.

The first step:

  • Drink plenty of water – our body has consumed a lot of fried food, sweets and other junk during Diwali.
  • Water helps flush out toxins from the body and is essential for bowel movement. Not just that, but it helps us stay hydrated and fresh throughout the day. Consuming herbal tea is also helpful.
  • There is an easy-to-make detox drink that I am consuming now.

Here’s what you need to do :

  • Boil two glasses of water. Add the juice of one lemon to it.
  • Then add one spoon of honey to it.
  • Consume this detox drink daily, once in the morning on an empty stomach when you wake up and once at night after sleeping.
  • Ginger and turmeric help boost immunity due to Vitamin C in lemon.
  • Get back to our exercise routine – yeah, we all went slack on our exercise regimen. Slowly and steadily, we need to go back to our earlier exercise pattern.
  • Running, jogging, walking, yoga etc. help in cardio. It also helps us sweat through which toxins are thrown out of the body. This also improves blood circulation and makes the heart strong. Exercise also releases endorphins and dopamine which are happy hormones that relieve our stress.
  • Leafy vegetables need to be on our plate – they help alkalize our body and are rich in essential vitamins like A, C, and K.
  • Eat fresh fruits they are not only rich in fibre but also contain many nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s best to consume seasonal fruits.

Don’t skip meals: this is the most important thing. Skipping meals will make the blood sugar dip and this can increase sweet craving. So having timely meal portions is essential. But cut down on junk food, fast food, oily food, cold drinks, alcohol, cigarettes and red meat.

Alisha – sure. I can do all this.

Ramya – see, it isn’t difficult. Mindful eating is the key here.

Sucheta – Ok. My first step towards detox – I am going to order a herbal tea. Any takers?

All [in unison] – yes!!!! Please order for us too. Our first step towards detox. Cheers!!

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